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Quitting Job Without Another Lined Up – What to Do?

April 04, 2024

At some point, especially corporate employees might have thought about quitting their jobs without having another one lined up!! Reasons may vary; some want to quit their job because of their startup, some employees want to quit due to mental harassment at the workplace, or they feel overworked, underappreciated, and just plain burned out. But is it good to quit your current job without another job in hand? Before you go ahead and send that "I Quit" email to your manager, let's talk about the pros and cons of quitting your job without a plan.  

Resigning vs. Quitting

Before we tell you about what to do before quitting your job without a proper plan, let's know the major difference between resigning and quitting. When you resign, you give your boss a heads-up that you're leaving. Right? You write a proper resignation letter, serve a notice period of months, wrap things up and then leave on good terms. Your coworkers might be bummed, but ultimately they'll respect your choice!!

On the other hand, quitting is when you leave your current company without any prior notice. Sudden quitting doesn't involve those months of notice period or any of the HR stuff. In that case, the company might even say you can't come back, and you could be breaking your contract. Basically, you're burning bridges left and right.

Quitting Job Without Another Lined Up: Pros and Cons

Okay, so what happens if you quit your job without having another lined up??? 


1. No Money, More Problems: When you quit, you will not get a salary in your account every month. But you still need to pay all your monthly bills and EMIs. Finding a new job takes some time, so before quitting a job, make sure you've got at least six months of expenses saved up before you make any big moves.

2. Feeling Guilty: Quitting unexpectedly means you're leaving your team in a tough spot, and they might get hurt and pretty upset with you. So, before quitting your current job without a plan, think twice about whether you really want to ruin that relationship and connections with your coworkers. 


1. Your Mental Health Matters:  Some companies have toxic work environments. They treat their employees like a corporate slave. So, it becomes tough to work in such an environment. If you're dealing with a toxic work culture, harassment or discrimination, leaving that place would be the best option for your mental health. Sometimes, we need to prioritize our well-being!

2. More Time For Job Hunting: Looking for a new job is basically the job itself. If you're already working crazy hours and stressed to the max, you won't have any energy left to find a job after returning home. In such a condition, quitting can give you the time and space you need to figure out what you really want.

Read Also: Top 5 Signs of a Toxic Work Environment: How to Deal With Toxic Work Culture

What to Do Instead of Quitting Your Job without a Plan

If you have already decided to quit your current job, you should:

1. Know Your Why

First, you must be clear about your reasons for quitting the job. Suppose you have already given your 200% to work things out with your organization or boss, and nothing works in your favor. In that case, it might be time to look for another opportunity. 

Some good reasons to leave might include:

  • Company changes (downsizing, mergers, etc.)
  • Not feeling aligned with the company culture or mission
  • No room for growth or advancement
  • Wanting to change careers
  • Better pay and benefits elsewhere
  • Relocating

2. Check out Your Options

Before you immediately join any new company, look out for what kinds of jobs are available that match your skills and experience. You can consider:

  • Stretch Jobs: These opportunities include positions that challenge you and help you grow. 
  • Safety Jobs: Lateral moves with similar responsibilities to what you're doing now.
  • Contract Jobs: Temporary work to test the waters in a new field.

3. Enhance Your Resume and Online Presence

Always keep your resume updated, and it is best to customize your resume to each job you apply for. Make sure your profiles on job search platforms are updated, too.

4. Make a Graceful Exit

When it's time to leave your current job, do it with class. Send a professional resignation to your boss, serve a notice period, and end up with everyone on a good scale. Remember, you never know when you might need a good reference!!

Wrap Up

Well, quitting your job without a plan might sound exciting, but sometimes it ends up with a lot of trouble. So, it would be best to take some time to think it through, evaluate your options and then make a good decision. 

Moreover, to find a new job, sign up for Xcruit now. Xcruit is the ultimate job search platform with advanced features like CV Parser for effortless profile creation, Video Resume, EQ-Competency Analysis via xVerse, In-App Quiz with a leaderboard for global business insights, and Live Chat for direct communication with employers. 

So, sign up for Xcruit now and grab thousands of job opportunities globally.

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