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Tips for Mock Interview Practice

March 11, 2024

Interviews can make anyone a bit nervous, no matter how professional they are. Did you notice that you felt more worried about the interviews for the jobs you wanted? 

But don't freak out. It's normal. To be a great performer at interviews, start practising mock interviews; they're like a dress rehearsal to prepare you for the big show. 

By the time you're done prepping, you'll walk into that interview confidently. Your answers will be tight, and you'll feel pumped and ready to crush it. In this blog, we will give you some important tips for mock interviews. We'll take you through everything about mock interviews so you can nail it.

What is a Mock Interview?

A mock interview is when you pretend to be in a live job interview. You get someone to play the interviewer's part and ask you questions that could come up in the interview. 

It's a safe space to work on your answers, body language, the vibe - everything. No pressure! It's just you, a friend, and some questions about getting your interview skills locked and loaded before the big day.

Think of it like a rehearsal before opening night. Going through those practice runs helps ensure your performance is excellent when it's showtime for real.

Why Bother with Mock Interviews? 

You might think, "Eh, do I really need to do this?" Yes, yes, you do! Here's why mock interviews are important:

1. Confidence Boost

Nothing helps calm those interview jitters more than being uber-prepared. After you mock interview a few times, you'll walk in feeling like the calm and confident boss you are.

2. Get Feedback 

Your mock interviewer can give tips on improving your answers or body language that you may need help catching yourself. It's like free career coaching!

3. Test Yourself

You can try different ways to discuss your skills and experience to see what works best. It's a safe space to tweak and refine before the big day.

By the end, you'll have deadly responses that showcase all your awesome qualities as a candidate. 

Common Mock Interview Questions

To make the most out of your mock interview, you'll want to prep answers for questions that typically arise. Here are some popular mock interview questions

1. Tell me about yourself.

Tips: Keep it short, sweet and focused on why you're a fantastic fit for this job!

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

Tips: Be honest about areas you can improve, then spin it into a positive!

3. Why do you want to work here?

Tips: Compliment them by mentioning something specific you admire about the company. 

4. Tell me about a time you failed. What did you learn?

Tips: It's ok to fail! Focus on the lessons you took from the experience.

5. Why are you leaving your current job?

Tips: Don't trash talk! Focus on growth opportunities and alignment with the new company.

Setting Up Your Mock Interview

You've got your answers ready, so now it's time to find someone to be your mock interviewer! Here are some options:

  • A friend or family member
  • Former colleague/boss 
  • Career coach 
  • ChatGPT (yep, seriously!)

Most importantly, the mock interview should be treated like an actual interview from start to finish! Show up early, dress professionally, and have resumes/portfolios ready to go. 

The more you act like an actual interview, the more prepared you'll be. It's like having the cheat codes before playing the video game!!!

Wrap Up

After your mock interview, get feedback on areas for improvement and refine your answers. Wash, rinse, and repeat until you've perfected your technique for nailing the interview. You SO got this!

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So, sign up for Xcruit and grab thousands of job opportunities globally.

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