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Signs You Will Get the Job After Interview

May 04, 2024

The moment you step out of an interview, your brain starts wondering and trying to figure out how it went. It's pretty confusing!! Right?? Don't worry; we all have been there - chewing nails, replaying every interaction, and trying to decode every smile or frown from the interviewer. 

Let's talk about the signs to know if an interview went well or didn't go as planned.

Good Signs an Interview Went Well           

 1. Right on Time

If your interview lasted the typical 30–90 minutes, CONGRATULATIONS, it's a sign of relief. It indicates that the hiring manager valued your time together. A cut-short interview or one that drags without focus could mean the opposite.

 2. Meet the Team

During the interview, if the hiring manager gets you a mini tour of the workplace and introduces you to your potential future teammates, it's a good sign that you will get the job after an interview. They wouldn't bother if they weren't considering you seriously.

 3. Discussing the Benefits of the Company

When an interviewer tries to lure you in, he will highlight all the benefits and remarkable aspects of the job and the company. It's their way of hinting that something good is coming – hopefully, an offer!! 

4. Starting Soon?

If the recruiter asks when you can join the company, it's a great sign that your interview has gone well and you will get the job. This question seriously indicates that the hiring managers are interested in offering you the job.

5. Positive Vibes

Pay attention to the body language of the interviewer. It might be green flags if you got little affirmations or nods during your responses! 

6. What Comes Next

If they give a specific follow-up timeline, they're likely interested and want to keep the momentum going.

7. Checking Your Options

If they ask you about the other interviews or offers, it's a hint that they see your value and want to bring you on board.

 8. Gut Feeling

Sometimes, it's all about that instinctive vibe you get. If everything felt right and you left with a spring in your step, congratulations, it's a good sign that you will get the job after the interview.

Signs Your Interview Went Bad

1. Notice the Body Language of the Interviewer

During the interview, watch for signs like lack of eye contact or closed-off body postures of the interviewer. These can be the first hints that your interview went terribly. 

 2. Abrupt Endings

An unexpectedly short interview can be a sign of a bad interview!! This might not be a great sign unless there's a solid explanation.

 3. Fewer Faces

If you meet fewer people than planned without an apparent reason, it might indicate that you won't get the job.

 4. Lack of Excitement

Did the interviewer seem unenthusiastic about explaining the role or company?? It might mean they're not seeing you in the position.

 5. The Energy Lull

A disinterested interviewer might appear bored or distracted. This doesn't bode well for leaving a lasting, positive impression.

6. Shallow Questioning

If they didn't ask sincerely about your skills or experiences, it could indicate they've already decided - and not in your favour.

Wrap Up

This guide lets you understand the signs that you will get the job after the interview or what went wrong. However, remember that you shouldn't overanalyse every little detail because sometimes, a smile is just a smile, and a rushed day is just a rushed one.

Moreover, to find your dream job at just your fingertip, sign up for Xcruit now. Xcruit is the ultimate job search platform with advanced features like CV Parser for effortless profile creation, Video Resume, EQ-Competency Analysis via xVerse, In-App Quiz with a leaderboard for global business insights, and Live Chat for direct communication with employers.

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