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How Do You Separate Yourself From Other Job Candidates

December 07, 2023

Whenever you're preparing for an interview, one question that probably comes to mind is, "How can I separate myself from other job candidates and give my best?". We know you've searched this on Google multiple times and read many articles. And if you don't get satisfactory results, don't worry. 

In this blog, we will guide you about the best ways to stand out from the crowd and separate yourself from other job candidates.

Do your Research 

So, when you're applying for a job or have made it to the shortlist, you must do your homework. Knowing about the company and the position can impress the hiring managers.

When it comes to your CV, customize your skills to match the job requirements. Highlighting your past achievements that are relevant to the job can make a significant impact.

And for the interview, definitely take the time to research the company. Bringing up specific details during the interview shows the employer that you went beyond just skimming their website's "About Us" page. It's all about showing genuine interest and preparation!   

Show Off Your X-Factor 

Your credentials might blow the average Joe out of the water, but among other qualified applicants, they're meh. You need to showcase your X-factor, those one or two things that make you sparkle, like Aishwarya Rai's gown at the Cannes Film Festival!

Figure out what kicks you up from "qualified" to "holy sh*t, we need them!" And be bold about getting ultra-specific. Did you manage any social campaigns at your last internship? Include that in your CV because every dazzling detail will help you.

Overprepare Like Your Life Depends On It

You might feel interviews are terrifying enough. But all you need to do is give your best without worrying you'll choke when the pressure's on.  

Research the company inside out – follow their social accounts, talk to employees, and read recent news about them. Then, practice answers that directly link your experience to complex company needs. 

Sound like overkill? Maybe. But while other applicants are fumbling over fundamental questions about the role, your perfect answers will make you look like the genius you are.  

Show them You're a Leader

So when you're out there trying to show off your leadership chops, it's all about proving that once you're trained, you're good to go without needing someone holding your hand for every little thing. Employers are impressed with candidates who can take charge and handle stuff independently. It's like showing you've got that drive to get things done. 

Every job hits bumps. But being the one who can tackle those issues head-on and get them sorted, that's gold. Of course, some things might need discussion with the boss, but ensure the hiring crew knows you're a pro at cracking those complex situations. That's the ticket to showing you're the problem-solving leader they need.

Ask Good Questions 

Asking intelligent questions is hugely overlooked as a way to stick in an employer's mind. While they probe you about your skills, you should be exploring right back about the company culture, leadership style, opportunities for growth, etc. 

The key is finding less obvious questions that show your deep interest and knowledge of the company. Ask how they manage a recent crisis issue. Ask about short and long-term goals. Hell, ask their opinion on the office decor if you want to!

Just make sure you have multiple questions lined up. Because when you run the show, you'll be remembered. 

Send a Personalized Thank You Note

Okay, so you had a great interview and asked great questions. Don't get lazy now! Sending a thank you is crucial. But it's got to be more than just a quick "Thanks for the interview! I really want this job." 

Write a customized note (not just a template) that references specific topics from your conversation. Bonus points if you include links to something related that came up. If they mentioned needing help with their social campaigns, include examples of campaigns you've run.  

That extra effort screams, "I'm the most considerate candidate you'll ever meet!" And considerate = hireable.

Connect With Your Interviewer Socially

This tip does require some finesse so as not to appear stalkerish. However, finding a subtle way to connect with your interviewer on social media can create top-of-mind awareness you don't get from an email. 

You may have a shared alma mater or volunteer for the exact cause. See if you have any connections in common. Like and comment on their posts if you can do so organically. The goal here is familiarity, not aggressive friend-making. Because sometimes it's not what you know but who you know. Right?

Optimize Your CV for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Now let's discuss the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) - it's like the gatekeeper to job land. It's software that goes through resumes before any human even sees them. Crazy, right?

This system scans for specific words from the job description. 

So, you want to ensure your resume has those keywords that match what they're looking for. But there is no need to go crazy stuffing your resume with every word. Include some important ones that fit. That's the trick to ace that ATS review without overdoing it.

Sign Up For Xcruit Now

Now it's time for a secret job hiring tip. If you want to stand out from the crowd and make yourself the obvious choice, it's time to sign up for Xcruit – the ultimate job search platform. 

Upgrade your job search with Xcruit's range of advanced features, such as the CV Parser for effortless profile creation, Video Resume option, EQ-Competency Analysis through xVerse, In-App Quiz with a global business insights leaderboard, and Live Chat for direct communication with employers. Discover multiple job opportunities across different fields. Don't hesitate – take a step closer to your dream job by joining Xcruit today!  

Wrap Up

Job searching might feel frustrating and hopeless, especially when you know you have what they need, but you keep persevering. So, to separate yourself from other job candidates, start customizing your approach, showcasing your uniqueness, staying top-of-mind in creative ways, and, most importantly, sign up for Xcruit now.

Before you know it, you'll have employers eating out of the palm of your hand! Just remember the little people when you make it big.

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In this blog, we will guide you about the best ways to stand out from the crowd and separate yourself from other job candidates.

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