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Gap in Resume: How To Explain Those Missing Months on Your Resume

December 18, 2023

We've all been there. Staring at our resumes, wondering how to make that gap between jobs look less. Whether it was time off to be a stay-at-home, recover from an illness, travel the world, or take much-needed isolation due to heartbreak, gaps happen. And while they may feel glaring to you, they don't have to be resume deal-breakers. In this blog, we'll guide you on how to explain gaps in employment on your resume. 

Should You Disclose The Gap?

The honest answer is yes; you should disclose any significant gaps in your resume. Lying by deletion never turns out well. Recruiters and hiring managers will likely notice, do the math, and question what you were trying to hide. So be upfront. The key is framing those gaps in the best possible light.  

Get Strategic With Formatting 

Depending on the length and recency, you can minimize the appearance of a gap through careful formatting. For short or outdated intervals, tweak your resume layout to reduce space. List only month and year for dates, adjust margins or use a combination resume to highlight skills over strict chronology. 

For more extended gaps, draw attention to other aspects of your resume by highlighting relevant achievements and skills. Just don't leave the gap entirely - that will raise red flags.

Create Your Comeback Narrative   

Once you've decided to disclose the gap, build your storyline. The goal here is transforming what may feel like a glaring resume wound into an asset. 

Start by coming up with a reasonable, relatable explanation for the gap. Were you caring for an elderly parent? Did your startup not pan out? Use simple, straightforward language to briefly explain the reason without getting overly personal. 

Next, spotlight any skills you developed, knowledge you gained, classes you took, or volunteering you did during the gap period. Did you finally finish your degree? Master new software programs? Take a coding boot camp? Any learning and growth is resume gold.  

Finally, tie it into a cohesive narrative that casts the gap as a springboard, not a setback. And most importantly, keep it short, positive, and focused on how it's made you an even stronger candidate.

Stand Out With Side Hustles

Another way to handle gaps? Filling them with freelancing, contract work, entrepreneurial ventures, or side hustles is the best way. Even informal projects show your initiative. And unlike long periods of unemployment, they make gaps look like launchpads to new opportunities.  

Some ideas:

- Freelance work

- Temp or seasonal jobs 

- Starting a blog or other small business

- Taking on pro bono clients

List these like traditional jobs on your resume, highlighting impressive metrics like traffic, sales, clients acquired, or money made.  

Ace The Interview 

Of course, explaining employment gaps continues after your resume. You'll also need to address them smoothly in interviews. 

When asked about the gap, recap the (relatable, positive) story you prepared for your resume. Share any significant achievements, learnings, or skills gained during the gap period. Then explain why you're an even better candidate because of it. 

Stay confident, make eye contact, and focus less on the details of the gap itself and more on the growth or opportunity it provided you. 

Most importantly - have answers ready for standard follow-ups like:

- Why did you leave your last job?  

- What made you decide to return to work? 

- How did you spend your time off?

You can handle those annoying resume gaps with thoughtful framing, strategic formatting, and interview prep. The key is showing how they moved you forward, not back.

Wrap Up

Gaps only feel jarring on paper when left unexplained. You can transform resume gaps into unlikely assets with context and the proper framing. So take a deep breath, prepare your comeback narrative, and rock that interview. 

If you're looking for a new job, check out Xcruit. It's an excellent job search platform with all the advanced features like easy profile creation with the CV Parser, a cool Video Resume feature, EQ-Competency Analysis using xVerse, a Quiz with global business insights, and even Live Chat to chat directly with potential employers. At Xcruit, many job opportunities are waiting for you across various fields. Take the leap and get closer to your dream job – sign up for Xcruit today!  

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This blog provides guidance on effectively explaining gaps in your resume. We offer valuable tips on strategically filling your CV and impressing recruiters with smart, professional approaches.

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